A global leader in impact investing
Our mission as an impact investor is to find, support and scale the most disruptive, impactful solutions to accelerate progress towards global sustainability targets.
Impact investing is the key catalyst that can finance and scale the systemic disruption needed to reach the ambitious targets set forth by the Paris Agreement, the UN SDGs and the European Commission’s Farm to Fork strategy.
By investing in promising, technology-driven, impact-focused companies we experience no trade-off between return and impact. The more successful the business, the more impact there will be.
Previous Astanor’s Impact Creation Report:

Our Approach
We have defined six impact KPIs to capture a holistic image of our positive impact. This includes three planet KPIs for addressing climate change challenges, which are GHG Emission, Biodiversity & Water Use, two people KPIs for improving Social and Health crises, and one enabler KPI, Impact Intelligence, to support global climate goals.
Astanor’s mission is to support companies that have a positive impact on the Earth’s systems, ecosystems and habitats.
GHG Emissions
Astanor actively invests in companies with scalable solutions to decarbonize the global economy.
Technologies that improve quality of life and reduce environmental, social and economic costs of both hunger and obesity.
Water use
We support solutions to ensure a reliable supply of clean water for the health and livelihoods of people and natural environments.
Impact Intelligence
Solutions that empowers other businesses to make more informed decisions and enable greater impact on both people and the planet.
Investment Process
ESG and impact are systematically integrated in to each step of the investment process, led by our six guiding principles and six impact KPIs. Collaboration with portfolio companies and transparency are the key cornerstones of our impact creation process.
We continuously engage with our portfolio companies to improve their ESG profiles and scale their impact throughout each step of the relationship, from initial screening to exit. Transparency on our impact creation process is a fundamental element of our approach, as we strive to lead and inspire both entrepreneurs and investors in their impact creation journeys.

Impact Ecosystem
Astanor plays an active role in responsible investing organizations and working groups to help strengthen and facilitate the adoption of impact investing. Astanor is a signatory of the PRI and a member of Invest Europe and its Responsible Investment Roundtable.
Good Harvest Ventures I, Astanor’s first fund, is a signatory of the Impact Principles and a Article 9 (2)investment fund.