Wellbeing at work, wherever you are
Garten provides fresh, nutritious food to workers at the office and at home.
Michael Heinrich
Burlingame, California, USA
Connecting the Value Chain
Empowering people to lead healthy, productive lives
Research has proven that health and productivity go hand in hand, and the more healthful foods people consume during the day, the happier, more engaged and creative they become. Despite this, much of the food consumed in offices is unhealthy and highly processed. With up to 50% of meals being consumed at work, employees struggle to meet their health goals while employers suffer from decreased productivity. garten was founded to address these issues and to empower people to live healthy and blissful lives, no matter where they work.
garten is a workplace kitchen concierge serving nutritious snacks and meals through an innovative wellness platform that supports employees working in the office or at home. The company is redefining the enterprise food services sector by bringing wellness to the workplace and by educating the workforce around the benefits of good nutrition. garten incorporates AI and IoT technology to enhance supply chain management and improve personalized nutrition in the workplace. With its careful sourcing practices, garten also creates significant demand and revenue for organic and regenerative food producers in the areas where it operates. Beyond its diversity of food offerings, garten offers wellness services, such as yoga and meditation, to further improve employee health and happiness.
garten provides workplaces food that is 100% traceable, sourced locally within a radius of no more than 80 miles, and majority organic (>95%). The menu always includes vegetarian options, and 5% of leftover food is donated to cut down on waste.
By partnering with workplaces, garten can improve the diets of many people at once: individual users get access to personalized data, advice and food that meet their individual goals and health needs, while employers get access to a scalable, integrated platform that improves employee retention, morale and productivity. Research has shown that employees who eat healthily at work outperformed their less healthy peers by 25% (Source: British Journal of Heath Psychology).