Good Harvest Partners Management 

Good Harvest Partners Management (the “AIFM”) is a dedicated initiative led by Eric Archambeau, Hendrik Van Asbroeck and Hans Marteau, which focuses on co-investments in portfolio companies of Good Harvest Ventures I SCSp and Astanor Ventures II SCSp (the “Astanor Funds”, both classified as article 9 funds under SFDR). The AIFM investments have been structured through four dedicated Luxembourg partnerships: Good Harvest Partners I SCSp, Good Harvest Partners II SCSp, Good Harvest Partners III SCSp, and Good Harvest Partners IV SCSp (the “Deal-by-Deal Vehicles”), which allow existing Astanor investors to deploy their capital in some of Astanor’s most promising portfolio companies which they have expressed an interest in. The Deal-by-Deal Vehicles rely exclusively on reverse solicitation from existing investors of the Astanor funds.

No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Good Harvest Partners Management S.àr.l. does not consider any adverse impacts on its investment decisions on sustainability factors: the vehicles it manages are dedicated to existing investors having conveyed an explicit interest in investing additional funds into portfolio companies to which they are exposed via the Astanor Funds. The Deal-by-Deal Vehicles investments are structured through “tranches”, and as such, not all investors of the same vehicle are exposed to the same underlying assets. An aggregated reporting at financial-product level as foreseen in the SFDR Regulation may not be indicative of any ESG or impact performance in relation to an investor’s position. However, since the portfolio companies of the Deal-by-Deal Vehicles are part of the portfolio of the Astanor Funds, investors receive ESG and impact performance related items (including consideration of adverse impact on sustainability factors) through the reporting data of the Astanor Funds. 

As a consequence, Deal-by-Deal Vehicles are considered to be “article 6” investment funds, and as such will not report any specific sustainability indicators at an aggregated level. In addition, and since the portfolio is constructed on a ‘deal-by-deal’ basis with tranche mechanism, relying on investors solicitation for a specific deal, the AIFM does not follow an elaborate process to consider principal adverse impact and sustainability risks in the decision-making. 

For any question, investors of the Deal-by-Deal vehicles can reach out to